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John Wyndham

author : John Wyndham

category : Science Fiction

(John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris)
( - )

aka John Beynon, John Beynon Harris, Johnson Harris, Lucas Parkes, Wyndham Parkes

John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Benyon Harris was the son of a barrister. After trying a number of careers, including farming, law, commercial art and advertising, he started writing short stories in 1925. After serving in the civil Service and the Army during the war, he went back to writing. Adopting the name John Wyndham, he started writing a form of science fiction that he called 'logical fantasy. As well as The Day of the Triffids, he wrote The Kraken Wakes, The Chrysalids, The Midwich Cuckoos (filmed as Village of the Damned) and The Seeds of Time.

John Wyndham Book Series